Thursday, March 14, 2013

Saltines, a 46-mile week, and 2 races in 2 weeks---Ack!

image found here

So, coming off of the Little Rock Marathon, I didn't really have any running plans.  I rested on Monday (just walked with the family around the neighborhood), did the elliptical on Tuesday-Thursday, and ran 8 miles with my running group on Friday.  On Saturday, Julia and I met a Fleet Feet teammate, Kylie, and some of her UAH cross country team for a run.  We did the same trail I'd done before with Kylie and did 9 miles in a 7:25 pace.  I was struggling to maintain this pace and was grateful that Julia slowed down to finish 3 more with me.  That put me at 46 miles for the week, and that was with only 3 days of running!  Probably not the best approach, but I saw the run with Kylie and her team as an opportunity that this "old woman" could not miss out on!

This week, I got hit with the stomach bug on Tuesday.  Yuck!!  I have felt awful all week and eaten very little (saltines, Sprite, and Gatorade), and there's no way I could have run Wednesday or today.  Maybe tomorrow.  I will see.

I plan to volunteer at the Rocket Run 10-Miler that Rick will run this Saturday, and then the next two Saturdays I have events.  The McKay Hollow Madness Trail 25K is March 23, and the Scottsboro Half is March 30.  I am not ready for either event (yikes!) and will likely miss an egg hunt or two to go and run.  McKay Hollow is a tradition of mine (and one of the races I usually run and not Rick), and the Scottsboro race is a new one that just seemed like a good opportunity.  No time to train for either now though, so I hope the marathon training will help me there.


  1. It was strange to have you under the weather. I'm glad that's over. I don't think the house could have survived if you were sick much longer! ;)

  2. Thanks, Rick! I agree that it was strange! It makes me appreciate feeling well now!
